New York Vocal Coaching Podcast: Black Lives Matter
Posted Friday, June 12th 2020 by Greg Kefalas
New York Vocal Coaching believes Black Lives Matter. We stand for equality, and will fight for justice for our Black colleagues, friends, students, and neighbors.
In this episode:
Episode Transcript
Welcome back to the New York Vocal Coaching Podcast. I'm Andy.
And I'm Matt. Of course, as you know, we created this podcast to discuss vocal technique and explore the world of performance, though with protests being performed around the globe, we can't go on with business as usual for this episode.
In the coming days and weeks and months and years, New York Vocal Coaching will be laying out our plan to make sure we are actively learning, educating others and fighting for justice for our Black neighbors. New York Vocal Coaching's first step will be to make the donation to some organizations in support of Black Americans. The New York Vocal Coaching podcast is also proudly joining Podcasters for Justice. We are podcasters united to condemn the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many, many others at the hands of police. This is a continuation of the systemic racism pervasive in our country since its inception, and we are committed to standing against racism in all its forms.
We believe that to be silent is to be complicit. We believe that Black lives matter. We believe that Black lives are more important than property. We believe that we have a responsibility to use our platform to speak out against this injustice whenever and wherever we are witnesses to it.
In creating digital media, we have built audiences that return week after week to hear our voices and we will use our voices to speak out against anti-Blackness and police brutality. And we encourage our audience to be educated, engaged, and to take action.
We want to make sure our Black students are seen, that they're heard, that they're acknowledged. As voice teachers, we hold a special place in our students' lives as mentors, role models and confidants.
Creating a safe space is about reassuring our students that the studio is a place where they are protected and their opinions and identity are respected.
We have to ask ourselves, are our students emotionally safe? Do they trust us enough to open up and ask for help?
Matt and I and the rest of the staff at New York Vocal Coaching and hopefully other white Americans are taking time for self-reflection. Are we seeing our students of color? Are we showing any bias that we don't even know about?
We're going to reflect on our practices to ensure equality and equity within our studios.
Matt and I want to make it abundantly clear that New York Vocal Coaching and each individual member of our team believe that Black lives matter. The United States, and that includes the performing industry, was created under the structures of white supremacy. If Black lives don't matter in the performing arts industry and the United States, nothing matters.
Both Andy and I have work to do. Our studio agrees that we have work to do. Our fellow white Americans have work to do. To our Black colleagues, friends and clients, we stand with you. We support you.