New York Vocal Coaching Podcast Ep. 35: Season Recap
Posted Friday, July 24th 2020 by Greg Kefalas
After a successful season, Andy and Matt recap and reflect on the past year of the New York Vocal Coaching Podcast! We’ll be back during the Fall for Season 2, and look forward to seeing you then!
In this episode:
Episode Transcript
Hello everyone, and welcome back to the New York Vocal Coaching Podcast. I'm Matt-
And I'm Andy. Matt, what a season, what a year it's been for the New York Vocal Coaching Podcast, eh?
Yeah, it's been a wonderful season.
So we just wanted to kind of do a quick recap of our season one, because guess what? This is the end of season one. We didn't know if we'd have different seasons or anything like that, but here we are, it's summer, it's a worldwide pandemic. So we thought we'd take some time for ourselves to get refreshed and kind of regroup and then come back at it in the fall. So we just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone and kind of recap for everyone our past season, if you haven't had a chance to listen.
Absolutely. So the first thanks goes out to our first guest, and the man who made this all possible, Justin Stoney, he was on our episode one, it was so great to have him. And we've also had a ton of excellent guests: David McCall, Eli Zoller, Marc Smith, Arbender Robinson, Dr. Dan, Patrice Jegou, Rhea Raj, Zac Bradford, Andrea Grody, Bros do Prose. We also have Kristy Bissell and Julie Reumert, both excellent teachers in the studio, as well as David McCall, as you all know. Michael McElroy, Brendan Houdek, Grant MacDermott, and Marc Geller. That's quite the list.
We've had quite the run and our colleagues at the studio have been more than willing to jump on an episode with us and share their time, share their knowledge. And Matt and I are lucky that we get to see all those people most days, and we get to work alongside them. We have our texting groups and emails and this or that. And so we are so happy that we're able to share their knowledge and their gifts and their talents with you all.
And those are just our colleagues, that doesn't even dig into the amazing, unreal, outside-of-NYVC guests who shared their time and talent. Broadway people, recording artists, Marc Geller, who's kind of getting into TV and film shared a wealth of experience. So if this is one of the first episodes you're listening to, welcome to the New York Vocal Coaching Podcast. Matt and I encourage you to go back and listen, we've had an opportunity to not only interview folks, but share some great vocal knowledge and things like that. We've covered things like audition tips, lots of vocal technique, we've talked about how to practice, which is such a huge thing for all of us. We've done FAQs, we did an Instagram live. I forgot about that until just now, actually.
Yeah. The live episode was really fun. Well, they're all fun.
Which was really cool. So as we were kind of thinking about this episode, we were kind of in awe, not of what we've done, but of the opportunities that we've had to talk about this stuff that we nerd out about every single day and be able to share them with all of you. So it's been really cool for us to be able to... How many episodes is this, off the top of your head? Do you remember?
So this is going to be episode 35 and we started in... Let's see, February 12th? No, February 15th was our intro episode. So we've been going for a year and a half with this first season.
Wow. Amazing.
Time flies. That's insane.
When you said February 15th and I was like, "Has only been six months?" And then I remembered that I have no idea what day, week, or year it is due to the pandemic. Because you know, Matt and I haven't actually seen each other in person in, I don't know, five months or something. But we've been on this journey for a year and a half and we thought it would be fun to take a break from it for a little while and then come back raring, ready to go.
Yeah, absolutely. And you know, one of the reasons why we want to take this break, as well, is we want to hear from you. So even though we are off for the next few months, reach out to us, let us know the questions that you want to ask, don't be afraid to send your thoughts, let us know what type of guests you want to be interviewed in the future. And then during this time we're going to be planning and recording new episodes so that we can come right out of the gate with the content that will benefit you the most. Because we could talk about this stuff all day. It doesn't matter to us what we cover. We want to cover what you want to know the most.
Absolutely, that's really important. And you can email us at the podcast, email address podcast@newyorkvocalcoaching.com, But you can also, as many of you know, I run the Instagram. And so message me on there. You can email Matt directly, matthew@newyorkvocalcoaching.com, hello. You can email me directly andy@newyorkvocalcoaching.com. And we love being able to help folks in specific ways so if there are things that you're really curious about or guests you're interested in knowing about, or, you know, "I would love to hear someone talk about XYZ. Maybe you two aren't experts in it, but maybe you can bring on a guest who knows a ton about blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." We are always down for that. We're here for you.
We're also here to learn as well. When we have on guests, it's not that we know everything about that person, everything they're talking about, we're having them on so we can also learn alongside you. So we're always curious about things ourselves. So don't be shy and kind of ask us, talk to us, what do you want to hear? So take some time, listen back, what's interesting, what's uninteresting and hit us up.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And the last thing that I want to say is with everything going on, pandemic-wise, please stay safe. Please make the most of the time that you have. Continue to practice, continue to enjoy what you do. We are sending so much health way to make sure that wherever country you're in, whatever situation you're in, you're still taking each day with optimal health because there's some crazy stuff going on.
Yeah. It's pretty wild. And Matt said the last thing that he wanted to say, fine, I've got two last things that I want to say now. Now it's my time. One, if you've ever been nervous or curious about taking a virtual lesson, now is the time, I'm telling you. Matt and I are experts at it. Why? Because we do it every single day. So if you're curious and you're in Bulgaria, or you're in Toronto, or you're in Miami or whatever, take a lesson with us. We'd love to meet you. We'd love to help you out with your journey. That's why we're here. Matt is teaching in his home, I'm teaching in my home. We both have computers set up, we both have keyboards. It's a great opportunity and we want to meet you. We want to help you continue on the journey because what Matt and I have found is that this is a time to, not stop singing, but it's a time to keep singing and to keep making music. And we want to help you along that journey, so search us out.
Without a doubt. Well said, Andy.
The final thing I want to say is a huge congratulations goes out to our very own Matthew Johnson who just got married in this wild pandemic of times. He had an amazing wedding. Very few people were there. So me and the entire New York Vocal Coaching team want to wish he and his partner, he and his now wife, lots of love and well wishes. So that's a really cool, important thing to celebrate here. So congratulations to you and Erin, Matt.
Thank you so much, Andy. Yeah, it's been a crazy time kind of getting married with everything going on and all of that. And she's getting used to my teaching schedule and we're getting acclimated to the new space that we're in and we're both very, very excited. So that means a lot.
Yeah. Cool. And finally, and last but not least, thank you to all of you for joining us on this journey, Matt and I love having this as a little pet project and we enjoy doing it. It gives us something else to do besides teach, which we love doing, but this is just something for us to be able to gab and talk voice and all that stuff. So thank you for being here with us and going along the journey with us, we really appreciate it. And we've loved doing it every minute.
Yeah. It's been so great taking this vocal journey with you, and thank you to Andy for being an amazing cohost. It's been excellent putting these episodes together and having these chats with you. It has been so amazing just to partner with you on this.
Awesome. Well Matt and I will continue talking, even though you won't hear from us for a little while, but we will be back. Be on the lookout for more interviews, more guests, more vocal nerd talk and all that stuff. So enjoy your summer. Like Matt said, please take care of yourselves out there and we will see you very soon.
Thank you everybody.
Thank you for joining us for this episode of the New York Vocal Coaching podcast. If you like what you hear, please subscribe, like, leave a review, and share the podcast with friends and family. And we thank you in advance for that.
If you have questions, comments, or topics that you would like to hear more about, please email us at podcast@newyorkvocalcoaching.com and we look forward to hearing from you.
You can also find more NYVC content with our Voice Lessons To The World, Quick Singing Tips, and Voice Breakdown series on YouTube. You can also catch us on Instagram and join us on Facebook for our weekly live videos coming to you on Sundays.
We're looking forward to seeing you again two weeks from now for another episode of the New York Vocal Coaching podcast.