Group Classes at New York Vocal Coaching hero

Group Classes at New York Vocal Coaching

Welcome to NYVC Group Voice Classes!

Are you searching for an opportunity to improve your singing skills, but haven't been able to start private voice lessons? Are you taking private lessons, but want the experience of singing in a group environment? If so, our Group Class will provide a safe space for you to learn and to practice your performance in front of others!


  • Community
  • Perspective
  • Opportunity to Perform and Practice with like-minded people
  • Empathy
  • Growth in a unique learning environment
  • The joy of not having to wait until it's "ready"

What To Expect:

    Each class will consist of a group warm-up and each student singing a song of their choice. Following this, Kristy will give feedback on vocal technique as well as offer ideas for performance refinement. This is a great opportunity to receive feedback and to practice singing in front of a small and supportive group!
This is a safe space for ALL singers. ALL levels. As long as you come with an open mind and heart - this will be a great experience for all!

Group classes are conducted in person at our studio space in Midtown, NYC.

Upcoming dates:

Sunday, June 30th 1:00 PM-4:00 PM

Sunday, July 14th 1:00 PM-4:00 PM

Sunday, August 11th 1:00 PM-4:00 PM

The class rate is $50 per session. To register for a class, please contact with your preferred date. Our staff will then contact you with registration instructions and payment information.