NYVC Welcomes Hugo Kerth! hero

NYVC Welcomes Hugo Kerth!

Posted Tuesday, July 12th 2022 by Meredith Davis
Joining the New York Vocal Coaching team is Hugo Kerth, our new Associate Vocal Instructor.

As we welcome our newest friend, let us take the time to learn more about what guided Hugo to music and teaching. We hope that you will celebrate Hugo and welcome him with open arms!

Let’s begin with where you grew up.

In a city called Teresopolis; a mainland city from Rio De Janeiro.

How did you discover your passion for music?

At the church! I used to sing in the Catholic church choir. I was asked to substitute for many of the principal parts. People said ‘wow you can sing,’ and I was thrilled!.I started taking classes and never stopped.

When I lived in Rio, I performed in fifteen professional musicals. I am really passionate about it, especially musical theatre history. (If students want a teacher who knows and loves musical theatre, talk to me!)

When did you discover Justin Stoney and the Voice Teacher Training program?

I discovered NYVC in 2015 and had a private lesson with David McCall. A few years later I found the Voice Teacher Training in 2019. 

It was really cool! Justin and I met over the phone and discussed everything about the course first. I found him to be really approachable and kind.

Now, getting to New York and finding a place to live for two and a half months was not an easy task. The experience was completely worth the effort.

Compared to your past music education, what was different about VTT?

I went to college for performing arts. Then, I received my master’s degree in advanced performance and musical pedagogy, and Voice Teacher Training was very different from my two to three years in conservatory. 

Voice Teacher Training is right on point and what we as teachers need to know. Justin and the guest lecturers were so approachable. There were voice doctors and Broadways actors - just a complete wealth of knowledge.

Also, I learning in a different language as well. Thankfully, I can speak English, but it was certainly an added challenge.

What excites you most about joining the NYVC Team?

I never imagined as a Voice Teacher Training student that I would become an Associate at NYVC. 

This is a really kind and diverse group of artists. I see that the teachers are really devoted to their craft and work. There is so much more to being part of this company than just teaching vocal technique. I am honored to join the team.

What do you see for your future here at NYVC?

I'm ready to meet the New York singers! They can expect a teacher that will exchange information rather than telling them what to do. I will do my best to rise to their great expectations and help them achieve their singing goals!

And we’re excited to have you join us, Hugo! Welcome aboard!

Meredith Davis

Meredith is the Studio Manager at New York Vocal Coaching, as well as an experienced actor, director, and choreographer. She served as the director of Musical Theatre for the North Carolina Young Artists Program. During the summer of 2011, 2012 and 2013, NCYAP traveled internationally to Bulgaria and Italy to perform her works. She has also worked as the Assistant to the Producer of North Carolina Theatre where she maintained the daily workings of every production throughout the spring season of 2013.

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