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How To Breathe When Singing (2)
How To Choose a Key For a Song (3)
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How To Find Your Singing Voice (26)
How To Get a Singing Gig (2)
How To Keep Your Voice Healthy (9)
How To Practice Singing (28)
How To Sing High Notes (10)
Justin Stoney (2)
Kacey Velazquez (2)
Music Industry (2)
Music Industry Careers (8)
Music Theory For Singers (4)
Nasal Resonance (3)
New York Acting Coaching (6)
New York Vocal Coaching (2)
Nyvc Singer Spotlight (7)
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Performance Tips (12)
Psychology and Singing (18)
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Tim Rosser (9)
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Zac Bradford (10)

Am I "Cast-able"?
Before I became a professional music director, I had every intention of becoming a musical theatre performer. I studied four years at the prestigious Musical Theatre program at the University of Michigan, then, as was expected, pursued the life of an actor here in New York. But somewhere along the way, I made a turn and didn't quite end up where I'd planned...