Articles tagged 'Performance Tips'

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Vocal Health for Working Singers Cover

Vocal Health for Working Singers

In this article, New York Vocal Coaching teacher Abby Payne discusses ways for working singers to maintain their vocal health.

Managing Performance Anxiety: What is it? How do we face it? Cover

Managing Performance Anxiety: What is it? How do we face it?

All singers face this at some point in their vocal journey. In this article, Abby breaks down what performance anxiety is and discusses strategies for managing it.

An In-Depth Guide on Touring: Kassie Carlson & Guerilla Toss Cover

An In-Depth Guide on Touring: Kassie Carlson & Guerilla Toss

In this extensive interview, Kassie Carlson, lead singer of the American rock band Guerilla Toss, discusses the ins and outs of touring and highlights important details to consider for bands when planning a tour.

Open Mic Nights in NYC: Resource Guide Cover

Open Mic Nights in NYC: Resource Guide

Wondering where to get started as an artist in NYC? Open mic nights might give you the start that you need. In this resource guide, I will discuss the value of performing and attending open mic nights and an exhaustive list of open mic nights in NYC that you can go to today!

What does it take: Singing "Annie" Cover

What does it take: Singing "Annie"

In "What Does It Take?," the NYVC team examines the vocal demands, challenges, and joys of roles in Musical Theatre. This time Zac Bradford breaks down the "hard knocks" of singing the role of Annie.

The Five P's of Performing Cover

The Five P's of Performing

Arbender Robinson, Broadway Veteran and NYVC team member, shares his special brand of uplifting wisdom and encouragement...

Trust Yourself: A Talk with Arbender Robinson Cover

Trust Yourself: A Talk with Arbender Robinson

In this second installment in our performance series, Arbender discusses taking your practice and putting it to work!

Jéssica Amicucci of The Voice Argentina: A Conversation in Hope Cover

Jéssica Amicucci of The Voice Argentina: A Conversation in Hope

So many incredible talents walk through the doors of New York Vocal Coaching. They go on to great success in musical performance, business, and instruction of their own. One such success story is graduate of the Voice Teacher Training Course and contestant on The Voice Argentina, Jessica Maison. But more than the success, Jessica has discovered the true meaning of her art. We hope that through her encouraging words, our readers can find the same glorious purpose!

Preparing For Your Best Audition: An Actor’s Checklist Cover

Preparing For Your Best Audition: An Actor’s Checklist

Auditioning. The word strikes fear in every actor, seasoned and amateur alike. However, this doesn't have to be the case!

Why Am I Doing This Again? Cover

Why Am I Doing This Again?

I had a one hour break in which to eat, go to the bank, respond to client emails, and be ready to start the second half of a lengthy teaching day. I raced out of the studio past the slow walkers to the bank...