Articles tagged 'Vocal Exercises'

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Why We Use Vocal Exercises Cover

Why We Use Vocal Exercises

In this article, Tim Rosser shares the benefits of using vocal exercises for voice training and how singers can use vocal exercises appropriately to their advantage.

Inside the Studio: A Lesson with Kristy Bissell Cover

Inside the Studio: A Lesson with Kristy Bissell

The Effort in Trying: Asparagus, Vocal Exercises, and the Growth Mindset

Inside the Studio: A Lesson with Andy King Cover

Inside the Studio: A Lesson with Andy King

A handful of months ago I started teaching a 20-something student...

Singing Through a Straw: Does it work?  Cover

Singing Through a Straw: Does it work?

It's true - a straw can be your greatest singing tool yet!

Why Pitch Matching Is Hard Cover

Why Pitch Matching Is Hard

There is a difference between simple and easy. Something simple can be explained in a few words; something easy can be executed with minimal effort. There are plenty of simple things that are not at all easy. Take running a marathon: you can explain the task in three words - run 26.2 miles - but the execution requires months or years of training.

The Money's in the Middle: Why your lower and middle range deserves more love Cover

The Money's in the Middle: Why your lower and middle range deserves more love

Everyone is always worried about the “money notes”: the high notes in a song. What about all the other notes?! Low and middle notes deserve much more love and respect than they usually get.

Damaged Goods: A Renewal Revival Cover

Damaged Goods: A Renewal Revival

When your voice begins to sound and feel irregular, your inner voices can be pretty disturbing. They take you down a dark and miserable emotional road of fear and self-doubt. Immediately, we go into..

Take My Breath Away Cover

Take My Breath Away

Riddle me this: When is using more breath detrimental to your vocal health? Answer: When it isn't. Every breath you take... Not surprisingly, there's a lot of hot air floating around the voice teaching community concerning the use of breath during singing. Do you try to flutter the tissue dangling a daunting ten feet away from your mouth while trying to execute your Beyoncé inspired riffs? Or do you try your best to keep your steamy exhale from fogging up the mirror you're holding claustrophobically close to your mouth? Both of these I have been asked to perform in voice lessons, and in both of these I have succeeded in achieving new heights of light headedness.

TLC for your R&B Cover

TLC for your R&B

The best part of my job as an instructor at New York Vocal Coaching is helping varied singers gain control over their voices. In this article, I want to share a few thoughts on the R&B style and one of my artists who is working to master her R&B sound.

Negotiating Styles: Classical To Pop Cover

Negotiating Styles: Classical To Pop

Even if you’re an amateur pop music aficionado, you recognize the absurdity of approaching every style with the same technique.  Imagine for a moment a world in which classical technique is applied to pop music, and pop technique is applied to...