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Ep. 107 “Increase Your Vocal Stamina”
It’s nice to have a great voice. But, it’s essential to have a voice that LASTS. In Episode 107, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explores the essentials of vocal stamina. Take the test in the episode to find out if your stamina is a vocal dud or a vocal stud!

“Building A Singing Voice… Brick By Brick” - Quick Singing Tips Ep. 25
A great singing voice must be built… brick by brick. It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s also a lot of PLAY. In Episode 25, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching offers some insights on the creative process - as he reveals his secret passion ASIDE from vocal technique and pedagogy. Enjoy Quick Singing Tips!

Ep. 106 "Find Your Vocal Range!"
Do you know your VOCAL RANGE? This question seems basic, but it’s not actually not so simple. In Episode 106, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explores many of the myths, complexities, and considerations of vocal range. Plus, you’ll finally know your range!

Ep. 105 “Worst Singing MISTAKES”
Whether you’re a beginning singer or an elite professional, there are some common pitfalls to watch out for. In Episode 105 of Voice Lessons To The World, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explores the worst singing mistakes and how to right them!

"Can't Afford Voice Lessons" - Quick Singing Tips Ep. 23
Helping people to sing who might not have the financial means is one of the core missions of “Voice Lessons To The World” and NYVC. But, other than our video series, are there other ways to improve your singing without taking Voice Lessons? In Episode 23, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching gives some valuable strategies. Enjoy Quick Singing Tips!

"Vocal Magic Trick" - Quick Singing Tips Ep. 22
The holiday season is a chance to take in the beauty, miracles, and MAGIC all around us. This includes the singing voice! In Episode 22, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching celebrates the holidays with a piping hot vocal tip! Enjoy Quick Singing Tips!

Ep. 104 “How To Sing With Vocal Strength and Compression”
Want to sing with vocal strength, power, and clarity? Then, look no further than Vocal Compression! This fundamental vocal skill is often misunderstood, but is a key to efficient singing. In Episode 104, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explores vocal compression strategies, habits, techniques, and practice.

"Vocal STRENGTH... In Letters" - Quick Singing Tips Ep. 21
A stronger singing voice can be as easy as ABC! But, you have to know how to exercise your voice. In Episode 21, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching offers some singing concepts that truly have some “street cred”. Enjoy Quick Singing Tips!

"A Voice To Remember" - Quick Singing Tips Ep. 20
Feeling stuck in a rut with your singing? Getting discouraged with your progress? Take heart! This episode is for you! In Episode 20, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching offers a strategy for remembering what’s important and reigniting your vocal journey. Enjoy Quick Singing Tips!