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Ep. 91 "Forward Placement Singing"
Singers are often asked by Voice Teachers to bring their voices more “Forward”. But, what does this mean and how do we do it? In Episode 91, New York Vocal Coaching Founder Justin Stoney explains the nuances of singing with Forward tone including Twang, Nasal Resonance, Embouchure, Larynx Position, Formants and more! It’s a New Year - let your voice SHINE!

Why Pitch Matching Is Hard
There is a difference between simple and easy. Something simple can be explained in a few words; something easy can be executed with minimal effort. There are plenty of simple things that are not at all easy. Take running a marathon: you can explain the task in three words - run 26.2 miles - but the execution requires months or years of training.

Ep. 90 "How To Sing Whistle Voice" - Vocal Register World Tour 5
Whistle Voice. Whistle Tones. Whistle Register. Whatever you might call it, it’s popular! And singers desperately want to learn how to do it! In the final part of the Vocal Register World Tour, Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching reveals the secret to singing Whistle notes. You don’t have to be Mariah Carey. You can just be yourself.

Forgetting Muscle Memory
Whether you’re working to improve your voice, learning how to play a new instrument, or striving to make the world’s greatest grilled-cheese sandwich, it’s going to take practice...and practice means repetition. The natural human instinct, however, is to move on once something’s been accomplished, and an artist can’t stand being stagnant or still. Yet, the fact remains: improvement requires the diligent and repetitive motions of practicing.

Ep. 89 "How To Sing Falsetto & Flageolet" - Vocal Register World Tour Part 4
Singing in Falsetto has important implications for vocal technique, vocal health, and vocal style. Learn about Falsetto, Reinforced Falsetto, and Flageolet in Part 4 of our Vocal Register World Tour. Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explores vocal exercises, singing tips, and song examples that will help you master your Falsetto.

Ep. 88 "How To Sing Mix Voice" - Vocal Register World Tour 3
Singing in the Mix Voice is perhaps the most highly-prized vocal technique for singers of Rock, Pop, R&B, Musical Theatre, and all vocal styles. In Part 3 of our Vocal Register World, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching explores the Mix Voice in depth. You’ll gain mastery over your Mix through vocal exercises, song examples, and Mix singing tips.