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Ep. 55 Jaw/Tongue: The Great Divorce
Jaw and tongue tension are at the root of so many vocal problems. Yet, separating these two from one another may not be an easy feat. In Episode 55, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching does his part to tear these two asunder! May Vocal Freedom live happily ever after! Enjoy Voice Lessons to the World!
Ep. 54 "The Magic EE Vowel"
The EE Vowel (IPA "i vowel") is a "Magic Vowel" to singers and voice teachers alike. Singing your EE vowel correctly can make or break your vocal technique. In Episode 54, Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching gives vocal tips on how to sing your EE vowel in a way that will cause "magical" growth for your singing.
Ep. 53 "The Singer's Diet"
A great diet is as important to your singing and vocal health as anything else! In Episode 53, Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching talks about which foods can help or potentially limit your vocal growth. Develop a guilt-free, fear-free Singer's Diet to help you sing at your best!
Ep. 52 "The Shiny Solar Plexus"
Want a REALLY good singing tip? Then you might want to learn about the Solar Plexus! In Episode 52, New York Vocal Coaching's Justin Stoney talks about one of the most effective concepts in all of vocal technique. You won't want to miss this! Learn how to make your Solar Plexus SHINE!
Ep. 51 "Diphthongs"
Diphthongs are something that many singers have been told to correct. But, what's a Diphthong anyway? And what difference does it make for being a great singer? Find out in Episode 51, as New York Vocal Coaching's Justin Stoney explores how to master Diphthongs as they apply to both style and technique.
Ep. 50 "A New York Minute"
Is life not turning out how you planned? Not to fear. Miracles can happen in "A New York Minute". In the very personal Episode 50, Justin Stoney shares the serendipitous tale that led him to becoming a Voice Teacher. We never know when we are a about to smack into our divine destiny. So... Never Say Never...
Ep. 49 "How To Roll Your R's and Tongue Trills"
Think you can't roll your R's? Think again. Most people can learn to roll their R's, but have been going about it the wrong way. Rolled R's are important for singing in languages like Spanish and Italian. And tongue trills also make a fabulous vocal exercise. In Ep. 49, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney gives tips and exercises to help master these skills.