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Ep. 23 "Benefits Of Yodeling"
In the followup to Episode 22, Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching gives a great exercise for moving between vocal registers using the unusual concept of yodeling. Practice a unique vocal exercise that can help you improve your vocal agility, registration, and flexibility.

Ep. 22 "Quick Changes"
How do great singers like Adele move between vocal registers so quickly? Find out as Voice Teacher Justin Stoney breaks down Adele's "Set Fire To The Rain" in Episode 22. Learn more about head voice, chest voice, and mix and also how singers move quickly between registers.

Ep. 21 "Falsetto Vs. Head Voice"
Sorry for the audio issue. What's the difference between Falsetto and Head Voice? Voice Teacher Justin Stoney hopes to answer this question clearly and to end the confusion between the two once and for all. Learn the difference between these registers in Episode 21.

Ep. 20 "Hiss Contest!"
Can you beat Justin in one of the greatest vocal exercises of all time? Put yourself to the test in Episode 20 of Voice Lessons To The World! New York Vocal Coaching's, Justin Stoney gives tips for increasing breath support and challenges you to an epic contest. See what your breath support is made of!

Ep. 19 "What's A 'Filter'?"
Need some good exercises for stretching your high notes? Try a Filter! What's that? Find out in Episode 19 of Voice Lessons To The World. Justin Stoney, Founder of New York Vocal Coaching, discusses Filters as a means for accessing head voice and improving high notes.

Ep. 18 "Strong Abs"
Will crunches and ab exercises help your singing voice? Or will they hurt it? Find out in Episode 18 of Voice Lessons To The World. Voice Teacher Justin Stoney discusses the positives and negatives and having a strong abdominal region and it's affect on the singing voice.

Ep. 16 "Please Don't Judge"
Do you hate your voice no matter what anyone says? In Episode 16 of Voice Lessons To The World, Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching gives tips on how harsh judgment and negative thoughts can affect the singing voice and offers suggestions on how to overcome this.