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Ep. 65 "You're A Complete Failure!"
Perfectionism is one of the worst hindrances to great singing. Yet, the majority of singers tend to be perfectionists about their singing. In Ep. 65, Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching offers strategies for overcoming perfectionism and embracing "failure". Learn to how to "fail" your way into vocal brilliance!

Ep. 64 "Vibrato 2 - Faster Freer Vibrato"
Want to learn how to develop Vibrato? Or get a faster Vibrato? In Part 2 of our Vibrato series, New York Vocal Coaching's Justin Stoney talks about how to develop Vibrato and how to speed it up. Through singing tips, vocal exercises, and demonstrations, Ep. 64 will help you to improve your Vibrato.

Ep. 63 "Head Voice POWER!"
Many singers are working on a strong Chest Voice and Mix. But, what about Head Voice and Falsetto? Can those be strengthened too? In Ep. 63, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching shows how to add POWER to the upper registers through vocal tips, exercises, and demos.

Ep. 62 "Running Out Of Breath"
Running out of breath when you sing? In Episode 62, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching offers singing tips to help you to develop greater vocal stamina. Through demos and a very challenging vocal exercise, this episode will help you improve your breathing for singing.

Ep. 61 "The Open "Oh" Vowel"
The "Oh" Vowel is one of the most important vowels for singers to master. In Ep. 61, Justin Stoney of New York Vocal Coaching offers tips and a great exercise to help you find the perfect "Oh". Plus, Justin has a little fun with the popular song "Let It Go" from FROZEN. This episode will help you find an "Oh" vowel so beautiful that everyone says "Oh My!".

Ep. 60 "The Soft Palate - The Return of The Ring"
Should you raise the soft palate to sing high notes? The answer to this ancient question is truly EPIC. In Ep. 60, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney gives one answer to rule them all! And, restores health and good fortune to singers all across the vocal kingdom. You won't want to miss THIS truly royal episode!

Take My Breath Away
Riddle me this: When is using more breath detrimental to your vocal health? Answer: When it isn't. Every breath you take... Not surprisingly, there's a lot of hot air floating around the voice teaching community concerning the use of breath during singing. Do you try to flutter the tissue dangling a daunting ten feet away from your mouth while trying to execute your Beyoncé inspired riffs? Or do you try your best to keep your steamy exhale from fogging up the mirror you're holding claustrophobically close to your mouth? Both of these I have been asked to perform in voice lessons, and in both of these I have succeeded in achieving new heights of light headedness.

Ep. 59 "Musical Theatre Audition Songs"
Broadway actors know that finding the perfect audition song is a key to success in Musical Theatre. In Episode 59, Voice Teacher Justin Stoney offers tips on how to get your repertoire book in prime shape. Singers of all styles can benefit from understanding everything that goes into a successful audition.