Articles tagged 'Famous Singers'
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Abby Payne (2)
Acting Tips (11)
Age and Singing (3)
Am I Tone Deaf (4)
Andrea Grody (3)
Andy King (5)
Arbender Robinson (4)
Audition Tips (17)
Belting (14)
Books About Singing (4)
Breath and Singing (2)
Brendan Houdek (2)
Broadway (15)
Celebrity Vocal Coach (4)
Famous Singers (17)
How To Breathe When Singing (2)
How To Choose a Key For a Song (3)
How To Find a Vocal Teacher (5)
How To Find Your Singing Voice (23)
How To Get a Singing Gig (2)
How To Keep Your Voice Healthy (9)
How To Practice Singing (26)
How To Scat (2)
How To Sing High Notes (10)
How To Sing Jazz (2)
Justin Stoney (9)
Kacey Velazquez (2)
Kristy Bissell (3)
Music Industry (2)
Music Industry Careers (8)
Music Theory For Singers (4)
Nasal Resonance (2)
New York Acting Coaching (6)
New York Vocal Coaching (3)
Nyvc Singer Spotlight (7)
Nyvc Voice Teacher Training (4)
Online Singing Lessons (4)
Performance Tips (13)
Psychology and Singing (18)
Resonance (2)
Sing Like Never Before (4)
Singer/songwriter (6)
Singing Lessons (5)
Singing Styles (16)
The Voice (3)
Tim Rosser (4)
Tongue Position For Singing (2)
Vocal Analysis (7)
Vocal Damage (6)
Vocal Exercises (11)
Vocal Health (2)
Vocal Registers (3)
Vocal Strain (8)
Vocal Technique (2)
Vocal Warm Ups (2)
Voice Lessons (6)
Voice Lessons For Beginners (12)
Vowel Modification (2)
Zac Bradford (8)

The Voice's Hailey Mia Talks with NYVC's Kacey Velazquez...
Hailey Mia sang her way into the Finale of NBC's The Voice this season, wowing with her powerhouse vocals and emotional depth. She took time out of her competition schedule to talk with NYVC about The Voice, her inspiration, and what's next...

Congrats, Hailey Mia: 5 Questions with The Voice's Youngest Finalist!
Hailey Mia has taken the country by storm with her soulful tone and incredible control - all at the age of 14! She's a part of the NYVC community and took the time out of her production schedule to answer our questions about The Voice, her experience, and her advice to other aspiring singers...